Peter Jones (ILG) Ltd recognises that our operations have an effect on the environment and we will strive to minimise the potentially harmful effects of such activity wherever and whenever possible. We also recognise that good quality & environmental management must be an integral and fundamental part of our future business policy decisions and business strategy.
We have operated a formal environmental management system since 2018 and a quality management system since 1998 with planned quality & environmental improvements integrated into our strategic and annual planning cycles each year.
Policy Statement
Our policy is to meet or exceed all quality, environmental and other applicable regulations, laws and codes of practice. We are committed to the prevention of pollution and minimising the impact of our operations on the environment.
This policy is the company’s statement of quality & environmental goals which outlines our commitment to continual quality & environmental improvement. We will achieve and maintain registration to ISO standards 14001 and 9001 and develop systems, documentation and procedures to implement, maintain and review this policy. We will ensure that our activities are safe for our employees, associates, clients and others who come into contact with our work.
We will identify and assess all significant environmental aspects that may arise as a direct consequence of our activities, products and services. We will maintain a register of current environmental legislation, by regularly monitoring for regulatory changes.
Training & Skills
All personnel within the company are responsible for the quality of their work. We will ensure that at each level of the company the necessary personnel, skills, expertise and knowledge are available to enable the requirements of this policy to be carried out. We will provide suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training to all employees to enable them to perform their job functions in a manner and to achieve the stated quality & environmental objectives.
Roles, Responsibilities & Communication
The compliance officer is accountable to the board of directors for internal and external quality & environmental issues and will report performance on a regular basis.
Responsibility for applying this policy company-wide will be delegated to a working group, overseen by the directors. However, all employees will be responsible for implementing relevant aspects of this policy in their specific roles. The production manager will play an active role in helping employees to understand and implement the quality & environmental policy by incorporating it into procedures, inductions, staff objectives, and training plans.
Our quality & environmental performance will be regularly communicated to all staff via Staff Notice Board, with additional awareness-raising and training sessions as appropriate.
This policy will be communicated to contractors, clients, and other interested parties and made available on the company’s website.
Energy Use & Greenhouse Gas Emissions
We will monitor our energy use and look to reduce our consumption by making sure any lighting and plant that isn’t in use is turned off. -
We will improve our environmental performance by conserving energy, water, wood, paper and other resources, particularly those which are scarce or non-renewable, through efficient use and careful planning, while still providing a safe and comfortable working environment. -
Products and Services
We build up mutually profitable relationships with our customers, ensuring their long-term success, through the understanding of their needs and the needs of their customers as well. Only by providing an outstanding service and product quality will we achieve our aims of long-term success & sustained improvements.Drive continual improvement & innovation based upon efficient processes and well-defined measurements.
We will plan, organise and control all our activities, products and services in order to avoid or minimise their environmental impacts by adherence to documented procedures, work instructions and other management systems, e.g. ISO 9001.
When designing new products and services we will consider the potential environmental impacts at all stages of their life cycle; both up and down the supply chain.
We will promote recycling and the use of recycled and refurbished products and materials where such alternatives are economical and suitable, while reducing consumption of materials wherever possible. -
Waste Disposal
We will minimise waste, especially leather waste, in all our operations and product development. We will dispose of all waste through safe and responsible methods and in accordance with regulations.We will keep researching ways of disposing/reusing waste leather.
Natural Habitats
We will ensure that any products used or derived from natural habitats are from sustainable sources and comply with EU and international trading rules. -
Suppliers, Associates and Contractors
This QEMS policy will be made available to all our suppliers, associates and contractors.Our procurement policy sets minimum environmental standards for the products and services that we purchase. Where practical, we will work with our suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of their products and services.
As a minimum, anyone carrying out work on behalf of Peter Jones (ILG) Ltd will be required to:
- Meet or exceed all environmental and other applicable regulations, laws and codes of practice
- Have or working towards ISO 9001:2015
- Work with Peter Jones (ILG) Ltd to avoid or minimise any environmental aspects that we consider to be significant
Peter Jones (ILG) Ltd actively promotes Cycle to Work Schemes and employee lift sharing* to reduce fuel consumption and lower exhaust emissions. (*in line with Covid guidelines). -
We will monitor relevant discharges and emissions to air, land and water and assess what action is necessary to reduce pollution or the risk of pollution. We will phase out, where practical, ozone depleting substances and minimise the release of greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds, vehicle emissions and other substances which are damaging to health and the environment. -
We will ensure, where practicable, that buildings occupied by us are designed, constructed and operated to optimise their environmental performance. -
Local Community
We will endeavour in all our activities and operations not to cause nuisance to neighbours or the local community.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and, if necessary, revised to reflect the latest developments and changes in the nature of Peter Jones (ILG) Ltd’s operations. Following each annual review, the environmental policy will be subjected to approval by Peter Jones (ILG) Ltd’s directors.
We will conduct an annual self-evaluation of our performance in implementing this policy and in complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Our performance against the requirements of ISO9001 &14001:2015 will be independently verified by external auditors on an annual basis.